How to Reinstall a SwiftStack Node

If you need to reinstall the SwiftStack node packages on one of your servers, it's fairly easy. Following these steps:

  1. Remove all the data from the node using the SwiftStack controller at Select all the drives and click Remove Policies. Depending on the amount of data you have, it can take some time. You can monitor the progress in the controller interface.

  2. Delete the node by clicking on "I want to delete this node" button and go through and acknowledge the warnings asking you if you really want to remove the node.

  3. On the SwiftStack node itself, remove the SwiftStack node packages by running sudo uninstall-swiftstack-node

  4. Now, reinstall the SwiftStack node packages by running the following and take note of the new claim url for the node

    curl -1 | bash

  5. If you've lost your claim url before claiming the node, you can run ssclaimurl to print it again.

  6. Proceed to add the node using the SwiftStack controller as usual.