SwiftStack Controller Troubleshooting Commands

For SwiftStack Controller On-Premises installations, we provide a CLI tool to run various troubleshooting, debugging, and maintenance tasks: sscontrol

There are four subcommands of sscontrol: jobs, system, users, and config.

  • sscontrol --help - display help information (with guidance for getting
    help with subcommands)

Job Management

  • sscontrol jobs --help - display help information for the jobs
    subcommand, dealing with asynchronous workjobs (such as deploying new configuration files)
  • sscontrol jobs show - display a list of all workjobs (successful, failed,
    and in progress, starting with the most recent)
  • sscontrol jobs show -i <jobid> - show more details about a specific workjob
  • sscontrol jobs delete -i <jobid> - delete a single workjob based on its job ID
  • sscontrol jobs reap - find "stuck" workjobs and mark them as failed, in
    order to free up resources

System Configuration Management

  • sscontrol config --help - display help information for the config
    subcommand, showing system wide configuration settings
  • sscontrol config list - list systemwide configuration settings
  • sscontrol config get KEY - show configuration value for item KEY
  • sscontrol config set KEY VALUE - set configuration VALUE for item KEY
  • sscontrol config apply - apply all configuration settings

Controller User Configuration Management

  • sscontrol users --help - display help information for the users
    subcommand, dealing with administration of SwiftStack Controller users
  • sscontrol users make_superuser USERNAME - make a user into a Controller
    super user
  • sscontrol users change_password USERNAME - change a local controller
    user's password
  • sscontrol users rotate_api_key USERNAME - creates or rotates a
    SwiftStack Controller API key for a controller user.

System-wide Management

  • sscontrol system --help - display help information for the system
    subcommand, dealing with SwiftStack system administration (such as restarting daemons)
  • sscontrol system restart - restart all SwiftStack Controller daemons


The sscontrol system restart command restarts all of the SwiftStack Controller services. If your Controller can be out of service for 30 seconds or so, this is an excellent first step in troubleshooting.

If sscontrol jobs show indicates that a job is "stuck" (either in the NEW state for more than 5 minutes, or in the QUEUED state for more than 30 minutes), then it is safe to run sscontrol jobs reap . The reap command is safe: if no jobs are stuck, it won't do anything.